[Image] In the face of such hopelessness....

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by ShockRay
image showing [Image] In the face of such hopelessness....

PM_ME_YOUR_THEREMIN on October 7th, 2017 at 04:51 UTC »

Saw him in KC when he toured with Red State. If I could make one celebrity friend while I'm living in L.A., I'd want it to be him. Always comes across as a pretty chilled out guy thankful for the success he's had.

number1booty on October 7th, 2017 at 08:02 UTC »

His advice for young filmmakers is usually "Go make Clerks. Your version of it, I mean." For some reason that feels a lot less patronizing than Tarantino telling people to go make Reservoir Dogs.

n0ahhhhh on October 7th, 2017 at 08:32 UTC »

I prefer this quote to most of the other stuff on this sub because it implies that you might fail anyways. Trying is the most important part of any dream/task/goal. So if you're not even willing to try then you probably don't want it as bad as the next guy.

I love this quote because it doesn't promise success or victory.