Because everybody buys dozens of firearms each year.

Image from and submitted by notwelve12
image showing Because everybody buys dozens of firearms each year.

quetz4 on October 4th, 2017 at 20:59 UTC »

He bought them but didn't go around bragging about it or letting everyone know he was stockpiling

belatedpajamas on October 4th, 2017 at 23:42 UTC »

You’d be surprised. 33 is nothing to some people that I’ve seen in the past. I knew some guys who would come in and purchase 2 or 3 guns ever couple of weeks or so. Although they were more collector pieces/luxury firearms as opposed to an AR style firearm. But they’d still occasionally get a visit from the ATF or some sort of check-in.

Koivu_The_Reindeer on October 5th, 2017 at 01:50 UTC »

Buying 33 guns in a year doesn't really stand out in the US. There are probably hundreds of Americans that have bought more than that in a year.