The Daily Populous

Sunday October 1st, 2017 evening edition

image for When it comes to political ads, it's time for Facebook and Google to be held to the same standards as ABC and CBS

Such messages have been the standard in political advertising since 2002, when Congress passed a campaign reform law that required them.

Now, whenever a political message runs on television or in any other traditional mass media, you can see who paid for the ad.

Facebook, Google and the other giant online services have become hugely influential when it comes to spreading news, information and advertising.

As such, they should be held to similar standards as other forms of media when it comes to political advertising.

In the wake of the latest disclosures, he promised to require more transparency for political ads placed on Facebook.

Going forward, political ads will have to show the Facebook pages that paid for them.

We already have a model for how to do it in the form of the standards applied to other media. »

Tesla wants to build special charging stations that sell food and coffee — and it could be a huge opportunity

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Superchargers are currently located through the US and other countries, providing the fastest rate of recharging available to Tesla owners.

Should Tesla partner with Amazon or Starbucks to develop these locations, offering great shopping, food, and above all else ... coffee?.

It could now be time to remake coffee, too.Â. Get the latest Tesla stock price here. »

Photoshopped images to come with a warning under new French law

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Marisol Touraine, the former health minister who introduced the legislation, said it was intended “to avoid promoting inaccessible ideals of beauty and to prevent anorexia among young people.”.

She added: “Exposing young people to normative and unrealistic body images leads to a feeling of self-depreciation and poor self-esteem that can have an impact on health-related behaviour.”.

France also compels models to provide doctor’s notes certifying that they are not too skinny and their body mass index is healthy. »

Teamsters organize truckers to move supplies in Puerto Rico

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The Teamsters union and the AFL-CIO, a federation of more than 50 unions, are working together to recruit truckers to travel to Puerto Rico and help distribute a stockpile of relief supplies.

On top of that, Puerto Rico has a shortage of diesel fuel, which is needed to power the semi-trucks.

Yulín Cruz pushed back against Trump's assertion this week that relief work in Puerto Rico was a "good news story.". »