Release v0.10.0 · TeamNewPipe

Authored by and submitted by foundfootagefan

Added basic channel subscription and feed pages (#620 )

Add search and watch history (#626 )

Very basic playlist support It only supports list the videos from the playlists at this moment

Added option to ignore permanent audio focus loss (#624 )

Prevent "time links" from being clicked (#633)

Upgrade target sdk and support library version to 26 (#642)

Improve InfoListAdapter Nicer animation for inserting data

Refactor settings Split settings into different screens, making it easier to use

The APK attached here is for debug purposes, the recommended way to get NewPipe is from F-Droid.

If you insist in installing this release, keep in mind these problems:

EHP42 on September 19th, 2017 at 12:52 UTC »

How long does it typically take for the release to be up on f-droid?

get_rhythm on September 19th, 2017 at 10:00 UTC »

So with this app I wouldn't need YouTube red, since those are the two main features I pay for. I'd imagine Google will do everything and anything they can to make this app fail.

WolfofAnarchy on September 19th, 2017 at 09:12 UTC »

NewPipe is F-ing amazing and it's on the F-Droid store