I'm adopted, so my son is the only biological blood that I know in this world... He's such a happy baby boy and I love him so much!

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by cnorwk8
image showing I'm adopted, so my son is the only biological blood that I know in this world... He's such a happy baby boy and I love him so much!

HyperCamel on September 16th, 2017 at 02:54 UTC »

Thank you for sharing this!!! What a cutie :)

greasyfunky on September 16th, 2017 at 03:07 UTC »

Cherish the days man, I know its cliche man but theu grow fast. I never understood that until it was first hand. Parenting is a series of firsts and lasts, from new things babies learn and first steps and words, to the last time you hear them cry a certain way or the last time they wear certain clothes. I say this as a father who just put to bed his one year old for last time, next time he will be two. Cheers to you man. And fuck KD.

LadyAybara on September 16th, 2017 at 05:50 UTC »

I'm also adopted and I just had my daughter in June. It's like she filled a hole in my heart that I never knew was there. People always say she looks like me. To them it may be meant as a conversional nicety, but to me it means the world.

I'm so happy that you are experiencing the same joy! Virtual hugs from one adoptee to another.