One of my CS teachers dropped this the other day

Image from and submitted by bhazero025
image showing One of my CS teachers dropped this the other day

Sasken on September 15th, 2017 at 18:56 UTC »

Bad documentation is frequently worse than no documentation at all. If the documentation says one thing but the code does another, then you have just wasted time reading the documentation. And you are always left wondering if the code is supposed to work the way it's described, or the documentation is just out of date.

I love good documentation, don't get me wrong. But I NEVER trust the docs. I always look at the code to determine what's really happening.

bob3rt on September 15th, 2017 at 19:08 UTC »

"But being comp sci majors here we all know that we won't be seeing much of either in these parts"

eoliveri on September 15th, 2017 at 22:07 UTC »

Documentation is like a hand job: it's better when someone else does it.