
Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by 2DeadMoose
image showing Welp.

IPlayAtThis on September 14th, 2017 at 23:06 UTC »

Such misinformation to preach that tax dollars are taken from and never returned to you. If you're looking for money that's never returned, take a look at the profits from companies where you spend money that are being taken into overseas tax havens and distributed to wealthy shareholders (who hold far more than the 99% do). The vast majority of distributions are not returned into the GDP through purchases or capital investment, but instead are put into speculative investment (yes, that's the stock market and commodities futures). That's money you'l never see again. Money for taxes tends to recirculate into the economy. Money that supports and develops less advantaged individuals is going to return more than was invested, in the long run. But hey, instead, let's knee-jerk people into feeling they're empowered by fighting the myopic fight.

perladdict on September 14th, 2017 at 23:34 UTC »

Dawgs, slavery is still (basically) legal, and it's a multi-billion dollar industry. The private prison industry, but our public prisons are no better.

LSUZombie13 on September 15th, 2017 at 03:29 UTC »

The wall isn't going to get built, it was a ploy to win the election in the South and it worked