Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be 4 Times Bigger than Witcher 3

Authored by and submitted by rfriar

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be 4 Times Bigger than Witcher 3

5 years ago, Cyberpunk 2077 had been announced. But, CD Projekt has not yet decided to share information on its upcoming game. Recently though, an insider leaked information about Cyberpunk 2077.

The world of Cyberpunk 2077 will be almost 4 times bigger than Witcher 3 & its DLC’s.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be using The Witcher 3 seasonal system for generating maps on massive scales.

The game will have dynamic destructible areas.

The identity of the person who leaked this information is anonymous as not to risk his current employment. The leaked information seems legit as CD Projekt is known for bigger game worlds, example Witcher 3.

An example provided was that if a gamer engages in a firefight and the surrounding area is damaged, they may come back later to find some robots or androids repairing or rebuilding the place.

All in all, CD Projekt has not shared any official note on this leak. The leak seems to be legit and impressive. This is more interesting as we get to see a world 55 years ahead and 4 times bigger than Witcher 3.

Technycolor on September 12nd, 2017 at 03:30 UTC »

if the map is really going to be that bigger than the vanilla witcher 3 map, then i would think the transportation system they have going will be quite something.

SenZuDuck on September 12nd, 2017 at 02:27 UTC »

" The leaked information seems legit as CD Projekt is known for bigger game worlds, example Witcher 3."

the worlds are big so the info is credible, wat?

MumrikDK on September 12nd, 2017 at 01:57 UTC »

The world of Cyberpunk 2077 will be almost 4 times bigger than Witcher 3 & its DLC’s.

In the long tradition, perhaps established by Bethesda, of talking about how many more square meters or miles the next game is.

W3 might be my favorite game ever, but I don't give a shit about area sizes on their own. 4x bigger is worse if it's all Mad Max wasteland or the like. The numbers alone make for about as empty a headline as one can imagine. The rest of this "article" follows that standard too...