It's the rapture

Image from and submitted by foot_noose
image showing It's the rapture

22switch on September 11st, 2017 at 00:36 UTC »

It's gotta be the rapture. Because everyone is still here.

Badmirputin on September 11st, 2017 at 02:52 UTC »

People are also saying all the fires are a sign of the rapture. I think those people are silly Willie's.

HardcorePhonography on September 11st, 2017 at 03:19 UTC »

It sucks when this happens and it completely minimizes everything about the situation.

I spent 11 days in the burn ward at Harborview in July. My wife's family is hyper-religious, and every single time I had good news (I got out a week early, I skipped the blister phase, I went 1 month in compression instead of 8-12, etc.), it was always "God is looking out for you," "Prayers work," shit like that.

My burn team was 10 doctors, 2 ARNPs, and the entire nursing staff. That's thousands of hours of training, thousands of hours of studying, and they simply dismiss all that work. And having one of them say it in front of them was just insulting.

I guess I'm saying I don't like it when people use their own religion to take away or discount the good works of good people.

Edit: while I maybe have your attention, I said in another thread "Nurse is the name of God on the lips of burn patients everywhere." That shit in Utah with a Burn Ward nurse would never have happened at Harborview, we simply wouldn't allow it as patients. And I mean, we're 2nd or 3rd degree burn patients?!? It's not like a bullet will hurt, we're always at 11.