Girl posted a picture of a young Katy perry and tried to convince people it was her dead sister who died in 9/11, unbelievable...

Image from and submitted by je_suis_un_negre
image showing Girl posted a picture of a young Katy perry and tried to convince people it was her dead sister who died in 9/11, unbelievable...

napoleonpp on September 7th, 2017 at 01:20 UTC »

Do these people not actually have any family or close friends on their Facebook that see this kind of BS?

GeeWhillickers on September 7th, 2017 at 01:24 UTC »

Oh God, does this post remind anyone of that guy who lied claiming that his fiancée died in the Twin Towers... and would be 23 today if she had lived?

And then, when the astute mathletes in his circle of friends noted that she would have been like 7 years old when they got engaged, he backtracked by claiming that a team of scientists performed an age progression of the photo...

....a lie that didn't even solve the problem since it still wouldn't explain why he was engaged to a child!

This post reminded me of that. This guy even did the whole hysterical indignant "how DARE you disrespect my grief??" bullshit that the dead fiancée guy did. Who would have known that two separate people would try essentially the same despicable trick to get sympathy on Facebook?

SLCer on September 7th, 2017 at 03:23 UTC »

Ha I can just picture this girl's parents actually having a photo of a young Katy Perry in their living room and they've made up this entire backstory about it to their younger daughter, who was all of two or three when 9/11 happened and can't remember a lick of those events.

"Mom, who's that in the picture?"

"Well, uh...uh...Mike? Little help here?"

"Sure. It's your big sis Kat--hy. Yes. Kathy."