Portrait of arctic explorer Peter Freuchen and his wife, fashion illustrator Dagmar Cohn, 1947 [573 x 700]

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by alohasnafu
image showing Portrait of arctic explorer Peter Freuchen and his wife, fashion illustrator Dagmar Cohn, 1947 [573 x 700]

grantimatter on September 5th, 2017 at 13:28 UTC »

He was once trapped under a massive amount of snow and ice. He dug himself out with a chisel molded from his own frozen feces.

From here:

What a way to die…I gave up once more and let the hours pass without another move. But I recovered my strength while I rested and my morale improved. I was alive after all. I had not eaten for hours, but my digestion felt all right. I got a new idea! I had often seen dog’s dung in the sled track and had noticed that it would freeze as solid as a rock. Would not the cold have the same effect on human discharge? Repulsive as the thought was, I decided to try the experiment. I moved my bowels and from the excrement I managed to fashion a chisel-like instrument which I left to freeze…I was patient. I did not want to risk breaking my new tool by using it too soon…At last I decided to try my chisel and it worked!

Bramoman on September 5th, 2017 at 14:34 UTC »

I had an exchange student that was native Greenlander. Her dad was born in 1940s Greenland. We visited them in Nuuk a few years back and he told us a story of when he was very young he met Freuchen. He apparently got her father really enthralled with a story about his travels and got to a point in the tale where he stabbed something with a knife, at which time Fruchen pulled out a knife and jammed it into his leg. His wooden leg. Apparently her father screamed in horror. I can only imagine this was met by a hearty belly laugh from Freuchen.

Nithsipukwaz on September 5th, 2017 at 14:51 UTC »

Also a member of the resistance during WWII, arrested and sentenced to death by the Nazis, but managed to escape to Sweden.