I went on a 10 mile hike in the dark to Lake Solitude in Grand Teton National Park and it was amazing! [OC][2500x1667]

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by aryeh95
image showing I went on a 10 mile hike in the dark to Lake Solitude in Grand Teton National Park and it was amazing! [OC][2500x1667]

aryeh95 on September 4th, 2017 at 21:54 UTC »

I chose this lake as my eclipse viewing spot and I decided since I'm going the 10 miles to the lake anyway, I might as well get there at night and get a proper polar alignment for my tracking mount and also maybe capture some astro shots at this beautiful spot. So I started hiking about a bit less than 2 hours before sunset and around sunset 5 miles into the hike, I ran into a black bear with a cub walking right towards me on the trail, but after a bunch of loud shouts telling the bears to stay away, they left the trail and I went on my way. Around 10pm I reached the top of Paintbrush Divide Pass (10,700ft) after climbing up some snow covered switchbacks in the dark, and from there I had another 2 miles or so of downhill hiking to reach the lake. On my way down I talked to myself a lot to alert any possible bears that I'm coming and eventually I made it to my destination. After polar aligning my equatorial mount and capturing some photos I found a flat rock and took a nap. Eventually, it was morning and it was time for the eclipse! I really enjoyed the solitude at this lake even on a popular day like eclipse day and it was totally worth the 20 miles of round trip hiking with all my heavy camera gear.

Settings: Sony A7s2, Sigma 14mm f1.8. This panorama is made of 12 shots all at: 14mm, f1.8, 10s, 10000iso. All the images were stitched using ptgui.

If you want to see​ more of my photos from this trip, have a look at my Instagram: @art_only

trader27 on September 5th, 2017 at 01:14 UTC »

Wow, can't even imagine all those stars out there. One of those could possibly have some kind of people looking at us as a dot in the sky wondering the same thing. Mind blowing image when you think about it.

caitsith01 on September 5th, 2017 at 04:04 UTC »

Got up early: check

Hiked for miles: check

Photograph taken at one of 4 approved national parks: check

Upvoting: activated