Ethics Matters is a new Australian TV series aiming to promote philosophy. There are twelve, twelve minute long episodes - all available to stream for free.

Authored by and submitted by majorshake
image for Ethics Matters is a new Australian TV series aiming to promote philosophy. There are twelve, twelve minute long episodes - all available to stream for free.

The presenter Dr Dan Halliday talks with the philosophers, and helps place their ideas in a real world context. All episodes are 12 minutes long.

To play an episode select one of the links to the right.

Interviewees Peter Singer and Caroline West explore consequentialism and ask would you, could you, kill to save others?

Interviewees John Tasioulas, Christian Barry and Peter Singer unpack the rights of an individual and explore intended and unintended consequences.

Interviewees Liz Anderson and John Thrasher examine how society should be organised and wrestle with conflicting libertarian and egalitarian points of view.

Interviewees Robert Simpson and Caroline West explore the nature of free speech and the role of censorship.

Interviewees Julian Savulescu and Serene Khader discuss the effect of social assumptions on how we view our bodies, and the science we use to change them.

Interviewees Luke Russell, John Tasioulas and Mick Dodson show how punishment can be a form of communication and examine if there is ever an unforgivable act.

Interviewees Christian Barry and Kate McDonald unwind supply chains and consider ethical consumption in a complex world.

Interviewees Janna Thompson, Marcia Langton and Mick Dodson explore the effect past injustices have on present generations.

Interviewees Tony Coady, Monima Chadha and Bronwyn Finnigan show how we can live in a society with competing moral codes and differing religious views.

Interviewees Jiewuh Song, Serene Khader, Christian Barry, John Thrasher and Tony Coady examine the nature of borders and how we view migration.

Interviewees Peter Singer, Bronwyn Finnigan and Julian Savulescu ask if animals have the same interests as humans and how we should ethically treat them.

Interviewees Peter Singer and Katie Steele question if the environment has its own ethical interests which overshadow those of humans.

sssleepypppablo on September 2nd, 2017 at 11:49 UTC »

As a tangential relation to TV philosophy: There was a show on PBS back in the day called Ethics in America. It was amazing. And featured some pretty influential people.

Ethics in America:

JUST_HUMAN_STUFF on September 2nd, 2017 at 08:19 UTC »

These are great! My short attention span really appreciates the bite sized philosophy lessons. I'd also enjoy extended episodes and maybe versions that are relatable to other countries/cultures too.

TuffGnarl on September 2nd, 2017 at 07:22 UTC »

That was interesting, thanks.