After reading all the lies from the "no" camp regarding marriage equality, I asked my boss if I could print up a few flyers that dispel the lies to hand out at the train station (I work for a printing

Authored by and submitted by PM0792

Edit 5 We've just setup a Discord to help coordinate and chat a little better, please bear with us while we get it sorted, but here is the link and we can chat in the room while we wait

I was only thinking of printing about 100 or so flyers and spending a few evenings after work handing them out, just as a way to calm my anger down at all these lies I keep seeing from the "no" camp on marriage equality and get some real facts out there.

So I asked him, and he said of course I could.

He said he'd be willing to foot the bill to print 50,000.... 50 fucking thousand flyers.

Anyone else interested in doing this with me?

Edit: Wow, I was expecting maybe a couple of people to be interested so I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that feels this way. I'm talking to a bunch of people now via DM about organising the logistics of how this can work. If you have any experience (or even if you don't but want to help out anyway) please comment here or message me.

Edit 2: I just got a really nice message from someone who is gay and said that seeing average people feeling passionate about it wanting to make a difference made them so happy. So if you know a gay person that is suffering from all this negativity, then show them the people commenting in this thread and how awesome they are.

EDIT 3: WOW!!! Since yesterday, this has blown up to absolutely crazy proportions. I've shown this to my boss and he's really keen to actually make this campaign into something so I'm going to hand over most of the logistics to him! Here's where we are at:

We're coordinating with the existing campaigns out there to get a consistent message.

We're going to start the artwork and design shortly, but start printing once the high court verdict comes down.

To help us coordinate, please make sure you comment on this post or DM so we can then message you when the logistics are organised. I will try to respond to as many people as I can, but if I don't, I haven't missed it.

EDIT 4: Someone suggested we setup a Discord, does anyone know how to do this?

Shaysdays on September 1st, 2017 at 06:58 UTC »

For some reason I thought Australia had same sex marriage, why wouldn't they?

I'm not saying that as anything against Aussies, I am now at the point as someone who lives on this planet where.. why the fuck would other people care who consentually marries who? Are you really that mad about tax breaks, who puts out the recycling, who reads bedtime stories and stuff? If you're going to recognize marriages outside your personal church as socially valid- that's pretty much the bare minimum you can do for couples anymore.

cunts_r_us on September 1st, 2017 at 06:36 UTC »

What are some of the false arguments the no crowd is making?

14th_Eagle on September 1st, 2017 at 06:10 UTC »

It almost feels like r/thathappened, but it actually happened.