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wherestonybennet on August 28th, 2017 at 19:06 UTC »

moral of the story: don't feel remorse for robbing banks.

yeahididit on August 28th, 2017 at 19:41 UTC »

Paul Allen's sentence was influenced by his cooperation in the investigation of the scheme's mastermind, Lee Farkas, who received a sentence of thirty years in prison. This doesn't make it right to sentence a homeless man to 15 years in prison, though the minimum sentence for a conviction of first degree robbery in Louisiana is three years. I would have hoped the judge would have been lenient on the homeless man, Roy Brown, given that the man was using the funds to pay for a stay in a detox center.

tcheu on August 28th, 2017 at 21:07 UTC »

Paul Allen won't be getting a reservation at Dorsia now he's in prison