Saw this on imgur. Thought it was fitting for this common sense sub reddit.

Image from and submitted by GraphicCreations
image showing Saw this on imgur. Thought it was fitting for this common sense sub reddit.

S4ngin on August 27th, 2017 at 18:26 UTC »

"GD Obama passing a bunch of executive orders, it's an abuse what he is signing EOs for I tell you." - Republicans from 2008 to 2016

"Thank Jesus for Trump passing all of these orders to make America great!" - Republicans in 2017

No matter what it is; EOs, War, NSA, Debt, you name it. The party in power keeps their mouth shut or makes excuses. Upon losing WH/Congress? Oh shit you would think they were Libertarian the way they are against these things. They really don't care about doing what is right, it's -R vs. -D and they do a lot of the same garbage.

This is why being in the tank for any given person or party is stupid. Let's pretend we were in a dimension Johnson won and he decided to expand the war in AFG... The fuck if I would be making excuses for him.

socsa on August 27th, 2017 at 19:12 UTC »

Is that... Red in the circle? I don't remember that episode...

OhButIDo on August 27th, 2017 at 20:05 UTC »

I think the "liberal who wants to outlaw free speech" is a bit of a straw man. Most of the liberals I know didn't and don't want Trump to outlaw hate speech, just to condemn it. I don't think that's too much to ask of the leader of the free world. The fact that it seemed so difficult for him to do it is the problem, as it really says something about the character of the man leading our nation.