Nintendo promises to ramp up Switch production for the holidays

Authored by and submitted by TheCrystalCave
image for Nintendo promises to ramp up Switch production for the holidays

Switch stock has been an issue for Nintendo since the console launched in March. Six months later, the situation has improved slightly, but the system is still difficult to find in many areas.

The Wall Street Journal covered the Switch stock situation in a new article. It covers mostly what we’ve talked about before – things like lotteries in Japan and inconsistent units available in the states.

For its part, The Wall Street Journal also reached out to Nintendo for a statement. The company said it’s doing everything possible to meet demand, and “will ramp up production for the holiday period”.

“We’re doing everything we can to make sure everyone who wants to buy a Nintendo Switch system can do so. We will ramp up production for the holiday period, which has been factored into our forecast.”

Nintendo currently intends to ship ten million Switch units for the fiscal year ending in March 2018. The Wall Street Journal does say, “People involved in the supply chain say they have been told to prepare for 18 million units.” Further noted is that one anonymous executive “in the supply chain said his company was ready to pick up the pace of production if asked.”

pete245 on August 28th, 2017 at 03:14 UTC »

Hi! I like following sales. So FYI there has been a "slight" increase in production of Switches already.

Going by NPD numbers (sales in US) we have some idea of production because right now sales = units produced.

March 910k (launch + sales) April 280k May 165k June 215k July 222k

Compare that to Japan sales (from Media Create)

March 519.5k April 257.7k May 125.8k June 110.8k July 272.3k Aug 172k+

So just quick take aways. Sales were good in March and April probably because of launch units + Switch stockpiles for the summer. Nintendo estimated 5M sales in the first year, and likely made enough only for projections.

May and June were noticeable shortages. Likely from the NAND shortage and Apple gearing up production for the new iphone basically limiting production lines.

July saw a big increase probably because of production increase and Splatoon bundles in Japan.

I think Nintendo is focusing on getting more units to Japan right now, because of summer holidays. Whereas in the fall they will likely focus more on the US/EU markets. Overall sales are up from May and June.

you_are_breathing on August 28th, 2017 at 02:11 UTC »

They better. After seeing my Switch, my siblings want one for the holidays too (I actually told them to get one BEFORE the holidays, so they can enjoy the games instead of hunting for the console and game).

SkulShurtugalTCG on August 28th, 2017 at 01:50 UTC »

I'll believe it when I see it.