Social security has hit a wall.

Image from and submitted by Holmes02
image showing Social security has hit a wall.

LilithSeesAll on August 24th, 2017 at 15:01 UTC »

And some people are still ok with him being the President...

koleye on August 24th, 2017 at 16:01 UTC »

I don't even understand the point of the wall.

It isn't going to stop people from buying ladders or flying into the United States and overstaying a visa.

Is it just a giant fuck you to brown people? Is it a monument to Trump? Seriously, what is the point?

k_ironheart on August 24th, 2017 at 17:15 UTC »

Who would have thought an emotionally and mentally unhinged business owner with a prolific history of bankruptcy and refusing to pay workers, who has no political experience, and who has worked all of his life doing anything to be accepted by the wealthy elite would have made such a bad president?

Oh right, the 54% of people who didn't vote for him.