45th President of the United States Donald Trump stares into solar eclipse (August 2017)

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by PhantomOfTheCinema
image showing 45th President of the United States Donald Trump stares into solar eclipse (August 2017)

szekeres81 on August 24th, 2017 at 14:14 UTC »

Quaaaaaiidd.. start the reactor

sleep_monster_ on August 24th, 2017 at 15:43 UTC »

Guys what movie is this from? I remember this scene as a child but I don't remember what's the name?

Aegean on August 24th, 2017 at 17:05 UTC »

Just in case you were wondering, should you be exposed to the martian atmosphere, your eyeballs would not shoot out of your head. There is very little pressure on mars, so you won't be squeezed and emptied onto the ground. In fact, everything should stay right where it should be. Hell, even in the 'pure' vacuum of space, this won't occur.

You might get 'the bends' - all of your fluids will boil. You'd feel that tingle on your tongue - similar to eating pop rocks candy. Since there is no oxygen, you will lose consciousness in about 10 to 30 seconds, which will be a nice reprieve from the agony of all that internal boiling, and then you die three minutes later from oxygen deprivation.

It is also very cold on mars, so your dead ass will eventually be caught in a freeze/thaw cycle until UV from the sun breaks down your biological mass.

We know this from accidents that have occurred with astronauts.

On the bright side, you contaminated mars. Good job.