A Jewish woman and a Palestinian woman protesting together in 1973, 1992, and 2001.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by cheiKa3u
image showing A Jewish woman and a Palestinian woman protesting together in 1973, 1992, and 2001.

InconsideratePlum on August 24th, 2017 at 23:38 UTC »

Palestinian don't crack either

FinallyMade_a_Name on August 25th, 2017 at 01:40 UTC »

Aging is a crazy thing to just sit and think about every now and then.

drfunkenstien014 on August 25th, 2017 at 05:25 UTC »

My israeli cousin, who was about 20 years older than myself, had a palenstian who had employed for years. He'd go and pick this guy up every morning and get him through the checkpoints. They worked at a cemetery on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, a place where my own Holocaust surviving grandfather is buried. Anyways my cousin died in a car accident last year, and thankfully he was the only one in car. He had called the palenstian to tell him he was running late, so the guy ended up taking the bus, otherwise he would have been in car. After the palenstian found out what happen, he not only buried my cousin himself, but he spent the night sleeping on top of his grave, just so he could light the ceremonial candle the next morning. I was already upset over the death of my cousin, but that part of the story absolutely destroyed me.

Edit: thank you for the gold and for all the comments.