line of people in Durham waiting to turn themselves in for toppling the Confederate statue.

Image from and submitted by karmachanical
image showing line of people in Durham waiting to turn themselves in for toppling the Confederate statue.

Cell_Division on August 17th, 2017 at 17:01 UTC »

"I broke the dam"

"I broke the dam."

"I... I broke the dam."

"No, I broke the dam."

"No, I broke the dam!"

"I broke the dam."

WizardKing_19 on August 17th, 2017 at 17:56 UTC »

"You are all under arrest. I am now handing out a box of handcuffs, please cuff yourself and pass the box down. Ask an officer if you need help cuffing yourself."

G0r1ll4 on August 17th, 2017 at 18:05 UTC »

Kind of reminds me of the comedian who was mocking Occupy Wall Street. He said instead of holing up in parks and tents blocking up Starbucks toilets they should have lined up at all the banks across America and each filled out a loan application. Then when that was refused, lined up and filled out another... basically grinding banks to a halt.

Looks like thats what they are doing here..creating such a huge back log of paperwork city officials are going to either put all their manpower on it or decide to simply let it go.