Edith Steiner, a Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust, and John Mackay, the Scottish soldier that saved her. They were married July 17th, 1946, and celebrated their 71st wedding Anniversary this year.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Kornichon
image showing Edith Steiner, a Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust, and John Mackay, the Scottish soldier that saved her. They were married July 17th, 1946, and celebrated their 71st wedding Anniversary this year.

meubem on August 16th, 2017 at 00:45 UTC »


Edit: wonderful story OP! Bot, I'm not mad I'm disappointed.

HighLikeAladdin on August 16th, 2017 at 03:20 UTC »

Just out of curiosity, how old were they when they met? Because they'd have to be roughly 20 at the most, and they look older than that in the picture. Especially him.

Bigfourth on August 16th, 2017 at 03:31 UTC »

This is also one of the few recorded marriages in history where a husband won an argument with his wife: "Remember yesterday when I told you to take the trash out?" "Remember when I saved you from Hitler?"