My father in law has dementia and thinks he needs to go back to Vietnam. We put an ad on Facebook and found a Lieutenant Colonel from the same squadron who agreed to come out and tell him he doesn't need to go back and his duty is done.

Image from and submitted by dunnkw
image showing My father in law has dementia and thinks he needs to go back to Vietnam. We put an ad on Facebook and found a Lieutenant Colonel from the same squadron who agreed to come out and tell him he doesn't need to go back and his duty is done.

liarandathief on August 13rd, 2017 at 20:16 UTC »

Honest question, are you worried you'll have to go through it again and again?

pepperelijah on August 13rd, 2017 at 22:13 UTC »

I don't have Dementia, but having to go back is still a real fear of mine, I can relate on that level with him. You're an amazing person to help fight that fear that cuts through the fog of dementia. +1

dunnkw on August 14th, 2017 at 00:20 UTC »

Here is a link to the rest of the pictures in the set. I hope it works!