This kid is going places

Image from and submitted by GallowBoob
image showing This kid is going places

grocerybaginthewind on August 9th, 2017 at 01:29 UTC »

Einstein never took an IQ test, neither did Hawking I believe. So yeah, he did score higher. If this means higher than their estimated IQs (160), okay, but it also depends on the specific test he took because some tests' highest scores are 160. Nothing is mentioned about it. A child's IQ is also not comparable to an adult's as the tests are not the same--and often children with high IQs grow into adults with average IQs. I have a feeling this is bullshit, but we'll see I guess.

quahss7 on August 9th, 2017 at 01:39 UTC »

Einstein didn't take an IQ test and even if he had, they aren't accurate. Plus the majority of the tests now aren't even done right.

Anyone can do an online IQ test and get an official looking certificate saying you have an IQ of 180 or something completely outrageous and clearly wrong.

BoringPersonAMA on August 9th, 2017 at 02:25 UTC »

Potential shouldn't be celebrated. Achievements should be celebrated.