The portal to the spirit realm

Image from and submitted by lightningintheicysky
image showing The portal to the spirit realm

fastgr on August 7th, 2017 at 12:51 UTC »

It's not hard if you have super glue.

TheAntiochStallion on August 7th, 2017 at 13:24 UTC »

While there are very cool sculptures made like these, this particular one is two thin flexible metal bars covered in rocks. This is a fun hobby and pretty easy to start out if you live near a stream. Or just a place with lots of mid sized rocks. I recommend looking up the video gravity glue if you truly are interested in the subject. There are people out there who make way better things without help of wire or bars.

Edit: link to the video I referenced.

PM_ME_FIT_REDHEADS on August 7th, 2017 at 13:27 UTC »

There will be an odd colored stone or piece of hedge that you can manipulate to activate it if video games have taught me anything.