Venezuela arrests over 'uprising attempt'

Authored by and submitted by r721
image for Venezuela arrests over 'uprising attempt'

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Army officers posted a video calling their move "a legitimate rebellion"

Arrests have been made in Venezuela after soldiers tried to launch an uprising against President Nicolás Maduro.

An attack was launched against a military barracks in Valencia in the north-western Carabobo state.

Two attackers were killed and at least 10 were arrested, Mr Maduro said.

A video released on social media showed uniformed men saying they were rising against a "murderous tyranny". Venezuela has seen months of protests.

"This is not a coup but a civil and military action to re-establish constitutional order," said the leader, who gave his name as Juan Caguaripano.

Mr Cabello said full control had been restored at the Fuerte Paramacay military barracks.

The ruling Socialist Party's deputy leader, Diosdado Cabello, called it a "terrorist attack" on Twitter.

Army chief Gen Jesus Suarez Chourio said: "What happened today was a terrorist, paramilitary, mercenary attack paid for by the right [the opposition] and its collaborators, paid for by the North American empire" - a reference to the US, which has denounced President Maduro's recent actions.

Despite the reported arrests, Juan Carlos Colina, a reporter with the Venezolana de Prensa newspaper, told the BBC that loud explosions continued to be heard at the base in the early afternoon, local time.

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The week's most powerful photos from Venezuela

In his short speech, the rebel leader said that his group - which he called the 41st Brigade - was standing against the "murderous tyranny of President Nicolás Maduro".

He named young people who have died after attending anti-government protests: Neomar Lander, Geraldine Moreno, Juan Pablo Pernalete and "lots of others with their cardboard shields".

Lander, 17, and Pernalete, 20, died earlier this year, while Moreno, 23, was shot in the face in a 2014 demonstration. Two members of the National Guard were later jailed for her death.

Regular protests have been held in the country since April. The opposition accuses left-wing President Maduro of trying to entrench his power.

On Saturday, the newly inaugurated Constituent Assembly held its first session. It immediately voted to dismiss Chief Prosecutor Luisa Ortega, a former ally of President Maduro turned major critic.

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Your video guide to the crisis gripping Venezuela

Members of the assembly were elected after a controversial vote last Sunday, in which no opposition candidates participated and which has led to allegations of voting fraud.

The government has strongly denied the allegations. Mr Maduro repeatedly says he is trying to keep the peace.

The assembly has the power to rewrite the constitution and could override the opposition-controlled National Assembly.

TheMoralityIssue on August 6th, 2017 at 14:53 UTC »

(Rough) Translation of the video. (English is not my first language)

Good morning and blessings to all Venezuela.

I'm Captain Juan Caguaripano commander of the David Carabobo Operation.

I am accompanied by the 41st brigade, I am accompanied by officers and troops of this glorious unit of the true Venezuelan army forger of freedom, as well as active and reserve troops of all the police components.

Men and women brave lovers of peace and freedom, we declare ourselves in legitimate rebelliousness, united today more than ever with the brave Venezuelan people to repudiate the murderous tyranny of Nicolas Maduro.

We clarify that this is not a coup d'etat this is a civil and military action to re-establish the constitutional order, but more to save the country from total destruction, to stop the murders of our young people and relatives.

As institutional military members, we recognize and respect the National Assembly (It's like Venezuelan congress) but we demand that it recognize and respect the will of the people to get rid of the tyranny, and honor the heroic memory of young people like Neymar, Geraldin, Fernalete, (Venezuelan who died during the protests) and others, that with shields of paperboard but with hearts of steel offered their lives to teach the venezuelan people how to defeat the fear.

Gentlemen of the National Assembly, it's time to stop hidden agreements between tyrants and traitors. We need honest politicians that aren't corrupt and that won't betray the venezuelan people.

We demand the immediate formation of a government of transition. And free general elections with independent public powers, we ask our brother-in-arms to rise up against this murderous regime and to disobey corrupt generals who do not represent the honor or dignity of our armed force, do not be the shame of our family, we invite All venezuela to go to the barracks to join us in this liberating party. And to receive, in a peaceful and orderly way, the citizens of your locality, where hostile activity against the civilian population will be considered a military objective, and we'll go against it with all the firepower of our allied forces throughout the country, Venezuela, God is with us. And from today live the freedom and the tyranny dies.

Video I'm talking about :(

Edit 1: Video of the situation (

an other one (

This guy basically says the revolt is over and the situation is under control, I'm seeing a lot of people on Twitter saying this false (

In a series of tweets, the constituent Diosdado Cabello reported attacks on Fort Paramacay. He confirmed the uprising and called it a terrorist attack. He also said that the situation is under control. Again I've seen a lot of people saying this is false. (tweets are in Spanish)

Video of GNB (national guard) dispersing people who were near Fort Paramacay supporting the uprising using tear gas (

More footage (

leo_99 on August 6th, 2017 at 14:00 UTC »

Talking to my family in Venezuela, many of them are wary about this. They suspect it could be an internal thing to wear out the opposition (giving them hope, then taking it away, again and again.) Not only that, but it garners support from Chavistas who view this as a "terrorist attack", since the government has been trying to paint the opposition as "terrorists" since the protests started.

yeah_93 on August 6th, 2017 at 13:54 UTC »

So, this is happening right now in my city, just a few miles north of where I live. The truth is that we don't know what's happening. Yes, members of the government tweeted the situation had been controlled, but there are people protesting near the fort where the uprising took place, and they say the fort is still taken by the rebels. Right now I'm reading lots of tweets that say the military is repressing the protesters with tear gas, that some security forces are arriving to the area, and such. It seems we'll have to wait and see what happens.

EDIT: It's been HOURS, and still nothing has been confirmed. The government posted videos that show a military commander in front (or inside, can't really tell) of the fort, saying the uprising was defeated. What I can say for certain, though, is that protests are still going on around that area, and there is one protester dead.

EDIT2: Yes guys, I'm safe. Like I said, I live a few miles south of where the protests are currently taking place, and so far, nothing has happened around my neighborhood.