Mother helping her son through a tough level in Super Mario Land on Gameboy from 1989.

Image from and submitted by zehnen
image showing Mother helping her son through a tough level in Super Mario Land on Gameboy from 1989.

TooShiftyForYou on August 3rd, 2017 at 15:17 UTC »

Cut to a week later and mom is still playing this alone in her room.

Wordzart on August 3rd, 2017 at 16:17 UTC »

My mom made me a gamer. Myself, mom and my sister would do time rotations with our old NES, where we'd all take turns playing for two hours. Now mom's 65 and my sister and our DH's chipped in to get her a spanking new Xbox for Christmas. She was so happy, she cried like a baby. I filmed it, but I had to promise to never show it to anyone. She thinks old ladies aren't supposed to spend their retirement fighting the geth.

nebulous_obsidian on August 3rd, 2017 at 16:45 UTC »

I can't really explain why, but there's something deeply endearing about this picture that tugs at my heartstrings and makes me feels all nostalgic

Edit: Well, this is now my highest rated comment. All in all, I'm pretty happy. And yeah, I can't explain why this makes me feel all fuzzy and nostalgic, because I don't have any such fond memories related to video games with my parents.