Greatest thing that 9/11 caused. So Sad

Image from and submitted by Darkstride_32
image showing Greatest thing that 9/11 caused. So Sad

nbluths on August 4th, 2017 at 00:13 UTC »

There's a Broadway musical right now called "Come From Away" that tells this exact story. The cast recording is on Spotify and it's a great listen.

markevens on August 4th, 2017 at 02:24 UTC »

Always look for the helpers...

jewleek44 on August 4th, 2017 at 03:52 UTC »

I was in grade 5 when all these people came to town. I vividly remember walking through the corridors at school and seeing cots lined off in all the classrooms (we obviously didn't have class, but I went in every day with my family to help out where we could), and letting people come to our house for a hot shower and home cooked meal. The population of our town doubled overnight, and it was really great to see everyone come together and help out when it happened.