A few months ago, I had a top post that I was just starting chemo. Today I found out that my tumor shrank to about half its size and the cancerous nodules in my lungs are gone! Also I got to play with adorable kittens. It's a good day :)

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by flexilexi22
image showing A few months ago, I had a top post that I was just starting chemo. Today I found out that my tumor shrank to about half its size and the cancerous nodules in my lungs are gone! Also I got to play with adorable kittens. It's a good day :)

RyeTiliDie on August 3rd, 2017 at 22:20 UTC »

Congratulations! I love that humans are resilient AF and were able to domesticate cats.

DaveboNutpunch on August 3rd, 2017 at 22:33 UTC »

My wife got diagnosed with malignant melanoma, which had metastasized to her lymph glands. 50% chance of being alive in two years.

There's treatment, but there's a lot of "just wait and see" to that diagnosis. Five years means you're very most likely in the clear, 10 years means you're in the clear. For the first five years... you just wonder if there's a timebomb. Kinda sucks.

It's been 16 years! She's happy, healthy, and loving life! It's behind her, and only tickles at our memories from time to time.

A lot of people tell you "you'll be a better person because of this". Well, that's true. We have a much deeper level of compassion for people. I still wouldn't wish the process on my enemy, though. But, things like divorce; seriously? After all that, neither of us would even CONSIDER divorce. Hell no.

You're a fighter! FUCK CANCER!


L0ngdukd0ngR on August 3rd, 2017 at 23:13 UTC »

Love the haircut. I have the same one! Instantly dry out of the shower!

Edit: Guys, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I have cancer as well. I dont. Just male pattern baldness and a lot of dull razor blades. I just wanted to make her feel better about having a shaved head. You're all beautiful for the upvotes, but give them to her or someone else who deserves them.