Keep this in mind as we continue the struggle for Net Neutrality

Image from and submitted by Scabbies1
image showing Keep this in mind as we continue the struggle for Net Neutrality

Theocletian on July 31st, 2017 at 17:34 UTC »

The real kicker is that proponents of removing net neutrality will constantly tell you that it is good for you as the consumer and that net neutrality supporters are killing the market.

God forbid that we Americans think for ourselves by discussing these issues on the internet that they are ruining.

Edit: I am going to leave this article with some of the common arguments against net neutrality and the counter arguments to those. Please down vote and comment if you disagree so we can all discuss.

vinegarfingers on July 31st, 2017 at 20:38 UTC »

Would've been better to have organized these in alphabetical order by state instead of by rep.

bottyliscious on July 31st, 2017 at 21:10 UTC »

I realized how dire the situation was only after e-mailing my Senator and Congressman. The response was canned from both and essentially said:

TL;DR I agree that net neutrality is important. Which is why I support overturning Obama era legislation to make the internet neutral again by turning it over to the ISPs.

Oh great, so you agree with me by changing the definition of the thing I am presenting to you as a concern.

What do you do in this scenario? I essentially said "Hey please represent me this way, this is why", and they responded with "Hey, I will represent you by doing the opposite of what you just described because its better to the GOP. Thanks."

I don't understand. I mean, I know we always say Washington is manipulated by lobbyists and megacorps, but I guess I assumed they worked hard to conceal this.

I was essentially just denied representation and there's not a blessed thing any singular person can do about that other than continue screaming into the void or spending millions to launch a successful counter campaign to get elected far enough to make a singular vote for the opposite legislation only to be defeated by a deluge of party voters.

Its simply maddening to think about. When someone says this is a democratic country or that you need to vote its rather insulting. What they really need to say is "You can be heard, just have millions of dollars and devote your life to pushing a singular agenda through Washington and if you are lucky, you may see a temporary deformed version of your idea make it through the House before being immediately shot down by executive veto OR repealed completely during the next election cycle at which point its back to square uno".