/r/MovieDetails: Obscure details and easter eggs found in movies : subredditoftheday

Authored by reddit.com and submitted by ShaneH7646

A month ago today I made r/MovieDetails on a whim, not expecting to go anywhere. of course, it exploded in my face and it grew from there. Today its one of reddits fastest growing subreddits with over 190,000 subscribers in the 1st month and still rapidly growing.

r/MovieDetails is a subreddit dedicated to neat little details and easter eggs found in movies. How neat? pretty neat. Adult easter eggs in Cars? Neat. Strong Product placement focus in spiderman? Neat. Lone pines in back to the future? Neat. All pretty neat details and easter eggs, Check it out.

1. First off, Tell us about yourself and why you're a mod.

Shane I'm shane, I like pigs. I also like banning people and power tripping so its the perfect job for me. Bobcobble [removed] MuchRedditLessTime I've been lurking on reddit for years but only really ventured out from niche communities in the past year or so. I've started or been added to some smaller subreddits before but nothing compared to /r/MovieDetails. Becoming moderator was a surprise I admit - Bob, who I've known and moderated multiple subreddits with in the past, messaged me about how quickly the subreddit was growing. I quickly joined the Discord server and was somehow the first person to ask if I could be a moderator, having spotted the potential for growth in the subreddit and feeling I could help with the general post moderation and modmail. Why I mod in general? It's nice to give something back to the community and ensure my favourite subreddits are kept full of quality posts and free of spam and abuse. twilexis 31/F/Australia, likes chocolate, I play Warframe and Overwatch poorly and I enjoy tinder waaaaay too much. I got into the modding scene a few years ago on an alt. A friend of mine added me to GoneMild (NSFW) as a joke and I found I enjoyed it. I was added to Ooer and a couple of niche subs and kept pretty much to myself until ProCSS happened and I had the opportunity to interact with the wider modding community, and the rest is history. Axanery I like to be a moderator of the subreddit because of the good content that people post, the fun of helping to manage it, and being a part of the awesome team.

Shane Saw a neat idea in a rising thread so I made it. Bobcobble /u/ShaneH7646 made /r/MovieDetails when someone suggested it in a very popular /r/gifs thread. The sub started growing very quickly. MuchRedditLessTime Sprining from a half-joking (?) suggestion in the comments of /r/gifs for the idea of this sub, Shane created the subreddit and it immediately began to grow extremely quickly. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when every time I hit refresh the subscriber account was doubling. It's at that time I felt this is something special I wanted to be apart of and help grow - I love subs like this. twilexis Shane's brainchild after stealing the idea from another reddit thread. Axanery The subreddit started after a user created the idea in a popular reddit thread and our top mod made it a thing, eventually expanding into a whole network.

3. Why do you think the subreddit grew so fast?

Shane I think I may have interrupted a ad campaign for the new pirates of the Caribbean movie. Also, being linked in a few rising thread at similar times and making it to r/All a few times in the first day. Bobcobble I would say because of the high quality of content and the exposure it got in it's first few hours. We were quickly put into the sidebar of /r/movies and mentioned in several large subreddits. We were also trending a few times! MuchRedditLessTime Obviously the start of the subreddit being from a former default subreddit meant that it had a lot of exposure from the beginning. After hitting /r/all a couple of times from that alone, we found a lot of posts being xposted from other subs, and mentions of the subreddit in other posts, which meant that we became the fastest growing subreddit in reddit history. Aside from the promotion, it's just a good idea for a subreddit - somewhere where it's easy to post interesting details from movies but also fun to spend hours viewing. twilexis There was a gap to fill, and it's obviously content people are interested in and passionate about. Axanery Being linked in such a popular thread, and many more threads (we get notifications every time the sub is mentioned, we got/get a lot of exposure.

4. What are some of your favorite r/MovieDetails submissions?

5. Thanks a ton, everybody. Is there anything else you'd like to say?

josef_hotpocket on July 31st, 2017 at 14:29 UTC »

My grandchildren will love the tales of when I witnessed the birth of a new subreddit.

SentientPeach on July 31st, 2017 at 14:14 UTC »

Still shocked at how quickly this subreddit blew up.

nashsmash on July 31st, 2017 at 12:48 UTC »

Do we get a pizza party or something?