The Simpsons Movie 2 In ‘Earliest Stages’

Authored by and submitted by BunyipPouch
image for The Simpsons Movie 2 In ‘Earliest Stages’

Ten years after the first film, the producers of The Simpsons have discussed the possibility of The Simpsons Movie 2. The 2007 original may have been 17 years in the making, so naturally everyone is asking whether the wait will end up be as long for a sequel?

A second big screen outing for the yellow family was teased at the end of the Movie, with Maggie’s first word in front of the family at the end of the credits being “sequel“. In the decade since, there’s been discussion of plans, but nothing concrete has emerged. However, while it’s yet to get a green-light, those involved are still keen to not rule it out.

Speaking with EW, director David Silverman provided an update on the chances of a sequel, saying he’d be keen for more despite the mammoth undertaking it is:

“I’d love for there to be another one. We’re still a ways away from it. We talk about this and that. We’re thinking it over, but nothing’s happening just yet.…. It’s still daunting because it really knocked the stuffing out of us to do the movie and the show at the same time.”

With the original movie talked about in the early days of the series in 1990, writer-producer Al Jean went on to tease an equally complicated production process The Simpsons Movie 2:

“I’d say [it’s in] the very earliest stages. I certainly am cautious about a couple things. I wouldn’t want it to be risky in terms of budget, and I would not want it to be anything that we did purely for the money. I would want it to be a really great movie. I personally feel no need for another one unless it’s great.”

Although these are vague statements, they do indicate more cinematic Simpsons is a real possibility – the main barrier is developing a strong idea. The Simpsons Movie 2 could certainly reignite our love for Groening’s dysfunctional family, but equally, it could be a risky move for a show that is arguably in its twilight. Indeed, now heading toward its 29th season, the number of people who think it is time to retire the show increases from episode to episode.

However, perhaps the biggest problem facing The Simpsons Movie 2 is that those involved in writing/producing the TV show would have to focus their time on doing the film as well. It certainly looks like we won’t get The Simpsons Movie 2 while the show is still on the air, although what better way to round off the acclaimed cartoon than with a big-budget blockbuster about the town of Springfield?

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Blu- on July 29th, 2017 at 19:29 UTC »

Loved the first one. I wouldn't mind more Simpsons movies.

errday on July 29th, 2017 at 19:19 UTC »

As long as Albert Brooks is in it then I can get behind the idea.

Buluntus on July 29th, 2017 at 19:06 UTC »

I think if they plan on doing the movie it should be the last. Would be a great way to end the show imo. That or at least 2 more movies so there's a trilogy.