Hospital server room

Image from and submitted by The_Revolutionary
image showing Hospital server room

TJ_McHoonigan on July 29th, 2017 at 16:04 UTC »

As a hospital IT person I was ready to see this and post something along the lines of "that's not even bad, you should see ours". After seeing that image, I'm happy to work with our spaghetti wiring.

ziris_ on July 29th, 2017 at 16:24 UTC »

Step 1: start with the loose ends and remove them. Step 2: label EVERYTHING. Step 3: tell the ER to inform you when you will have at least an hour to take down certain rooms. When those rooms come available, pull them, untangle them, bundle them together with zip ties or something, replug them. Step 4: schedule downtime with everyone, preferably sequentially, (for organization) unplug the scheduled downtime area(s) untangle them, bundle them together with zip ties or something, replug them. Step 5: rinse & repeat (not literally rinse, ya dolt) Ste 6: take pictures and post back here the finished product. Step 7: rejoice at your success. (privately) Step 8: get promoted

weasil22 on July 29th, 2017 at 17:09 UTC »

Found Waldo