
Image from and submitted by JOSHUA4230
image showing Inequality

energyper250mlserve on July 29th, 2017 at 12:32 UTC »

When Australian memes break out of their native environment

suchsfwacct on July 29th, 2017 at 13:49 UTC »

One thing that irritates the living hell out of me-

Avacado toast is seen as a luxury, it's healthier and yummy. A lot of the media surrounding this is almost shameful for eating good/healthy food, yet these are the same people that fat-shame and shout about how they don't want to pay for those people on their healthcare.

Edit: I understand restaurants upsell things. What sub are we in?

I undersatand its about more than toast. It's healthy things, the wage gap and the illusion of choice. I know what sub I am in, do you?

Since yall don't get it: My point is about the reality of how expensive it is to eat healthy and simultaneously being told I'm not spending my money stupidly, but also if I buy McDicks for every meal, I am wasting my life away and am eating stupid so I get sick and waste taxpayer dollars . This coming from rich people who can afford both healthy food and a decent place to live is incredibly naïve. It's not about avocado toast.

KID_LIFE_CRISIS on July 29th, 2017 at 14:55 UTC »

We cry shame on the feudal baron who forbade the peasant to turn a clod of earth unless he surrendered to his lord a fourth of his crop. We called those the barbarous times. But if the forms have changed, the relations have remained the same, and the worker is forced, under the name of free contract, to accept feudal obligations. For, turn where he will, he can find no better conditions. Everything has become private property, and he must accept, or die of hunger.

Peter Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread