Trumps first 7 Months in Office and his Actions Towards LGBT People

Image from and submitted by nibattack
image showing Trumps first 7 Months in Office and his Actions Towards LGBT People

jumbleton on July 27th, 2017 at 18:41 UTC »

Also in June he made no public recognition of Pride Month.

letsgoantiquing on July 27th, 2017 at 18:56 UTC »

I love how Trump supporters' defense of Trump on this subject has shifted...

from "Trump will be the most pro-LGBT President ever! He's a social liberal - he's gonna be great for the gays!" in November/December/January

To: "Who gives a shit about f#gs and tr#nnies anyway? Fuck 'em, they all have mental disorders" in July once Trump actually announces an actual stance.

His supporters have had to essentially repudiate the idea that LGBT Americans deserve respect and equality - a stance they ostensibly took during the campaign to try and convince LGBT voters online to vote for Trump - in order to keep up with Trump's shifting opinions; they've gone from "Don't worry, LGBT community! Trump will have your back!" to "Fuck your back" just because Trump finally did announce a policy. "Vote for us! We'll protect you! (Five months later) Thanks for voting to have your rights taken away, suckers!"

Let this be a lesson - Trump supporters are windsocks and will blow in whatever direction their leader blows. If Trump suddenly announced tomorrow that jumping off bridges keeps the globalist elites at bay, many of them would jump off of bridges. THey didn;t give a fuck about the LGBT community in the first place; they were being disingenuous (as always) by cynically promoting the idea that Trump would govern as an ally - they don't give a fuck about being allies with the LBGT community either. They just tried to make a case for Trump being pro-LGBT for political expediency. Buncha craven cowards, liars, and bullies.

Poppenhoffer on July 27th, 2017 at 19:39 UTC »

"Being trans is a mental disorder" is the new dogwhistle now that "gays shouldn't be allowed to marry" is no longer kosher.

Trans rights are the next hill that fundamentalist Christians are going to have to die on now that their biggest battle for gay rights has been fought and lost.