Students left a pineapple in the middle of an exhibition and people mistook it for art

Authored by and submitted by theepoliticus

Students claim they managed to pass off a pineapple they bought for £1 at a supermarket as a work of art, after leaving it in the middle of an exhibition at their university,

Ruairi Gray, a business information technology student at Robert Gordon University in Scotland, and his friend Lloyd Jack, reportedly left the fruit at the Look Again exhibition at RGU's Sir Ian Wood building, hoping that it might be mistaken for art.

When they returned four days later he found that the pineapple had been put inside its own glass display case at the event.

Gray, 22, told the MailOnline: "I saw an empty art display stand and decided to see how long it would stay there for or if people would believe it was art.

The students claim they returned to the exhibition to find that the pineapple had been covered by a glass case (Lloyd Jack/Twitter)

"I came in later and it had been put in a glass case - it's the funniest thing that has happened all year. My honours supervisor saw it and asked an art lecturer if it was real because he could not believe it."

Natalie Kerr, a cultural assistant for the festival who organised the display, said she wasn't the one who included the fruit as an artwork because she is allergic to pineapple.

"We were moving the exhibition, and came back after 10 minutes and it was in this glass case," she told the Press & Journal.

"It's a bit of a mystery - the glass is pretty heavy and would need two or three people to move it, we have no idea who did it. But it's still there now, we decided to keep it because it's keeping with the playful spirit of this commission."

The incident recalls a similar prank last year when a 17-year-old placed a pair of glasses on the floor at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Apparently unimpressed with some of the work on display and wanting to test the theory that people will try to interpret any object provided it is in a gallery setting, TJ Khayatan placed the glasses on the floor and walked away.

Soon after, visitors to the gallery surrounded them and began taking pictures.

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Khayatan, who had previous success with a baseball cap and a bin, was keen to defend modern art despite the joke.

"I can agree that modern art can be a joke sometimes, but art is a way to express our creativity," he said at the time.

"Some may interpret it as a joke, some may find great spiritual meaning in it. At the end of the day, I see it as a pleasure for open-minded people and imaginative minds."

Bethkulele on July 27th, 2017 at 13:40 UTC »

Interestingly, pineapples used to be very valuable. In colonial times, a pineapple was about the equivalent of $8000, so a bakery would buy one and rent it out to people throwing parties (probably as part of a catering package). The pineapple would be placed as an extravagant centerpiece in a fruit basket or be carried around by the host as a show of wealth and prestige.

I often like to think about what it would be like to have someone from 300 years ago time travel to now. I probably would want to show them computers and cars, but they would be blown away by the display at the grocery store.

Ritz527 on July 27th, 2017 at 09:54 UTC »

What's interesting is that it qualifies as modern art by virtue of this experiment.

All_Your_Base on July 27th, 2017 at 06:50 UTC »

Museum workers have a sense of humor too.