Floral arrangement in a mall in Medellin, Colombia

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Sumit316
image showing Floral arrangement in a mall in Medellin, Colombia

TBONENCF on July 26th, 2017 at 14:31 UTC »

This has me thinking about how quickly the Chinese crowds from that Disneyland video yesterday would ruin this

raulg42 on July 26th, 2017 at 17:29 UTC »

It's probably part of the annual flowers festival. It's really amazing to see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festival_of_the_Flowers

imabsolutelyatwork on July 26th, 2017 at 19:10 UTC »

Hell yes! So dope to see this here! The flower festival is awesome and such a beautiful tradition. Well worth checking out photos from the festival that happens every year. It's amazing what some of the farmers from the mountains will do just for the sake of art. I love the Paisa region of Colombia because that's where my family is from! I can't wait to go back and see them, it's been a long time. This and the light show that is done there every year during Christmas is gorgeous.

And to the people making jokes about the relative security of the country, it's MUCH better than it wasn't 20+ year ago, last time I went there to see family there were very visibly armed MP's on the sides of the roads at regular intervals coming into and out of the city, regular traffic stops all over the country looking for people transporting drugs or people. Even in the small towns I felt safe because everyone is so damn nice. And as I recall, very recently a peace treaty was signed with the FARC. Initally there was a referendum and a relatively slim majority of the populace voted for the "no". The government said "the hell with it" and passed the bill anyway after a vote in the legislative body.