Gov. Jerry Brown signs climate change legislation to extend California's cap-and-trade program

Authored by and submitted by TragicDonut
image for Gov. Jerry Brown signs climate change legislation to extend California's cap-and-trade program

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, left, a Republican, and Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, shown last year, are both cap-and-trade proponents.

Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation on Tuesday to extend California's cap-and-trade program, solidifying the state's battle against global warming as President Trump withdraws from the fight in Washington.

The legislation, Assembly Bill 398, will keep cap and trade operating until 2030 rather than letting it expire in 2020. The five-year-old program, the only one of its kind in the country, requires companies to buy permits to release greenhouse gas emissions.

"You're here witnessing one of the key milestones in turning around this carbonized world into a decarbonized sustainable future," Brown said.

It was the same location used by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006 when he signed Assembly Bill 32, which provided the foundation for cap and trade. Schwarzenegger, a Republican, joined Brown on Tuesday, providing a bipartisan display of continuity.

Cap and trade was hotly debated in Sacramento, with some environmental activists fearing the new legislation wouldn't be stringent enough and some conservatives warning about increased costs for Californians. But Brown pieced together a broad coalition to pass the legislation, winning over several Republicans, national environmental groups and major business organizations.

TxAg70 on July 26th, 2017 at 04:40 UTC »

Jerry Brown was the guy to choose coal plants over nuclear plants for CA back in the 70s.

Best to remember that.

MrPanchole on July 26th, 2017 at 04:18 UTC »

Every time I hear this cat's name with title, I think... "I am Governor Jerry Brown My aura smiles And never frowns Soon I will be president..."

israfel070 on July 26th, 2017 at 02:07 UTC »

Progressive CA activist here. This bill is a disastrous sellout. It's been opposed by many environmental groups in the state and nationally. It basically undermines other current climate change legislation that we have on the books, reduces environmental protections, and increases taxpayer subsidies to fossil fuel companies from their current levels. It was written by our DINO governor Jerry Brown and fossil fuel lobbyists.

The only real solution to climate change is a carbon tax. It's simple, which makes it more difficult for wall street and the fossil fuel companies to mess with how the bill is written and sneak in awful giveaways to the industry.