Zermatt, Switzerland

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by TheSickGamer
image showing Zermatt, Switzerland

chargedneutrino on July 22nd, 2017 at 18:26 UTC »

So, this is the Toblerone mountain.. Hard to see the bear though.

HermitCrabTuesday on July 22nd, 2017 at 19:56 UTC »

Zermatt is a wonderful little town. I was fortunate enough to visit about 7 years ago. When I went there, every morning and every night, the shepherd boys would lead a herd of maybe 50 or 75 goats down the main street in town and all of the goats would have a bell on them. There were no gas powered cars allowed in the town, and you had to take a train to get there. The train was pretty cool because it had this 3rd rail in the middle of the track with giant gear teeth. Here is a picture that shows it. If you can afford to do so, go visit and I recommend the restaurant Zum See. They have a great view and wonderful cheese dishes. Zermatt is one of those places that looks just like it does in the pictures. The matterhorn is breathtaking, but expect clouds to cover it more often than not.

Church323 on July 22nd, 2017 at 21:02 UTC »

If you look closely up on the mountain, you can see the Grinch plotting to steal Christmas.