2,000-Year-Old Chariot & Horses

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by BunyipPouch
image showing 2,000-Year-Old Chariot & Horses

DrozAndrews on July 21st, 2017 at 00:23 UTC »

Duuude I have so many questions. Is there any info about this?

zerozingzing on July 21st, 2017 at 01:31 UTC »

where is this dig, whats the back story, is that copper, tell me MORE!

NihiloEx on July 21st, 2017 at 10:39 UTC »

This is very likely the remains of a Thracian burial site and this particular photograph appears to be of the Karanovo mound in Nova Zagora, Bulgaria.

While this is from a different dig, there's a lot of interesting info along with images in this Daily Mail article! In this case, the horses were buried standing up along with a dog.

It was thought to belong to Thracian nobility living in the second half of the 1st century AD, judging by the imported goods found in nearby graves.

The burial mount yielded seven burial structures and two pits, one of which held the carriage and horses, HorseTalk revealed.

Experts believe the chariot was placed in a narrow hole with a sloping side to allow horses, decorated with elaborate harnesses, to pull it into its final resting place, after which they were killed.


Archaeologist Veselin Ignatov, who was involved in the discoveryry of another the chariot near the southeastern village of Karanovo, said around 10,000 Thracian mounds - part of them covering monumental stone tombs - are scattered across the country.

Mr Ignatov said up to 90 per cent of the tombs in the region have been completely or partially destroyed by treasure hunters who smuggle the most precious objects abroad.