Anthony Bourdain Is Releasing A Comic Book Full of Ghost Stories

Authored by and submitted by largeheartedboy

You know Anthony Bourdain for his book Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly and his many TV series: A Cook's Tour, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, and Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. But we'd be willing to bet there's one line on Bourdain's (long) resume you'd never recognize; he's dabbled in the comic genre too. Bourdain wrote graphic novel Get Jiro! in 2012, and three years later, followed up with its prequel Get Jiro: Blood and Sushi. Now, Bourdain is cooking up—excuse the pun—a new comic book.

Vulture reports Bourdain and Joel Rose—who worked together on the Get Jiro books—are penning Hungry Ghosts, a series that "will be a riff on the Japanese Edo-period game 100 Candles, in which samurai would try to one-up each other with stories to freak each other out." But in Bourdain's reimagining of the game-turned-comic, the storytellers will be chefs, "and their stories will be united by their focus on food," according to Vulture.

Sound deliciously intriguing? You'll have to wait until next year to pick up the first of the four comic books. Unfortunately, there's not yet a firm release date.

TheGreatMrEct on July 18th, 2017 at 21:52 UTC »

"The ghost...was scary. I mean, really scary. So scary in fact, that he hadn't even noticed the piss that had started trickling down his leg. the rich, much-marrow-having-goodness one would attain with a Paderno duck press"

Dwight_kills_her_cat on July 18th, 2017 at 20:12 UTC »

Everybody is talking about bourdain hate but i dont see any comments hating on him

The_Afronin on July 18th, 2017 at 17:38 UTC »

To those hating on bourdain: Coming from a service industry vet, Anthony bordain is the quintessential back of the house chef. Arrogant and crass, sure, but he's honest. There's a reason people stay in hospitality, it's not the fantastic pay, it's the inability to have to always wear the societal mask of politeness. Cooks and chefs don't want to fuck around with small talk and societal niceties, most simply want to just be themselves. So don't hate the man for having flaws; we all have them. He's just more honest about his.