Drug addict returns stolen money 5 years later.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by stehigs321
image showing Drug addict returns stolen money 5 years later.

AndyWarwheels on July 14th, 2017 at 20:15 UTC »

For all the addicts that see this post and think that who they are while using is just who they are. Take note.

My father got clean when I was in the 3rd grade. As a small child I knew my father was a bad man, I knew that he was selfish and I was afraid of him. Then he got clean. Now over 25 years later he is not only an amazing father, he is a wonderful friend, he is a passionate person with drive and he loves with his whole heart. My son is about to enter the 3rd grade and instead of him being afraid of his grandfather or thinking of him as a bad man, they do karate together twice a week and every other sunday my dad comes over to my house early in the morning and takes my son out for breakfast, just the two of them.

I have known too many addicts that have relapsed too many that have died, all who thought they were bad people because of all the pain they caused. People who thought they were worthless. They are wrong.

Your life can change....


I am getting a lot of replies to my story and I am reading all of them. I am humbled by your responses.

A few resources for people. If you have a family member that is dealing with addiction and you do not know what to do. look for support groups in you local area. If you are an addict looking for support /r/addiction is there for you. Also if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, help is available, you are worth it. Please please please call 1-800-273-8255

AlwaysDefenestrated on July 14th, 2017 at 21:20 UTC »

I had a buddy steal $100 from me and return it a couple years later when he got off heroin. I respected him a lot for that, most junkies I have known just disappear forever after shit like that.

gilligan0911 on July 14th, 2017 at 23:31 UTC »

I worked at Kroger as a teenager. A man tried to steal lunchmeat and bread and got caught. The man pleaded with us not to call the police. He said he was just hungry. My boss paid for the lunchmeat and bread and added a jar of mayonnaise and a jar of pickles. My boss told him to pay him back when he got on his feet. About a year later, the man came back and reimbursed my boss. That was almost 40 years ago. I'll never forget it.