our fishy friends deserve it :)

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by ElegantShitwad
image showing our fishy friends deserve it :)

Portr8 on July 10th, 2017 at 14:45 UTC »

My friend had a goldfish for over a year. She won it from a state fair. She was devastated when he passed away. She replaced him with a beta fish and she spoils him rotten.

Edit: The goldfish's name was Darwin. The beta fish's name is Larry.

Clarrff on July 10th, 2017 at 14:49 UTC »

OP /r/aquariums would love you.

zykezero on July 10th, 2017 at 16:54 UTC »

Listen, goldfish and bettas are sold as "oh yea put them in a cup they'll be good!" fish.

DO NOT DO THIS. Fish are living beings just like every other animals, people don't treat non-furry pets as good as they should.

Reptiles and fish deserve respectable living conditions. I'm a reptile owner and the amount of shitty husbandry is TOO DAMN HIGH.

I know this is wholesomememes but, jesus people take care of your scaley friends. They can't speak for themselves, they can't yip and cry so the people who care have to speak for them.

Edit: hashtag bettasdeservebetta