My Dad built this beauty for all his gaming systems. He "stole" the idea off the Internet and modified it a bit to make it fit. He's the coolest.

Image from and submitted by Americanfloosie
image showing My Dad built this beauty for all his gaming systems. He "stole" the idea off the Internet and modified it a bit to make it fit. He's the coolest.

ChickenEnthusiast on July 10th, 2017 at 03:28 UTC »

You could play console tic-tac-toe - pick a head-to-head game on one console and the winner gets their O or X, then move to the next console. Loser orders pizza.

SethDraconis on July 10th, 2017 at 06:33 UTC »

Can someone explain how you connect all of these to a TV? I mean a video switcher has like, what? 4 ports? There's 9 consoles here.

DeepPocketsShortArms on July 10th, 2017 at 06:49 UTC »

Nice build!

What would be cool also is having the option of only the one being used be lit up instead of all of them.