My cousin today

Image from and submitted by SoraXavier
image showing My cousin today

PlumsweetSoda on July 10th, 2017 at 00:59 UTC »

I've been there...Watched about 10 minutes of a movie once in spanish before realizing the same thing had happened to me.

thisismyfirstday on July 10th, 2017 at 02:33 UTC »

I watched over half of "Everything is Illuminated" without subtitles because I thought not being able to understand all of the Ukrainian (which made up probably 30% of the dialogue) was part of the whole "fish out of water" dynamic. When the plot began to made zero sense I realized the error of my ways, downloaded the subtitles, and put them on. Solid movie, would recommend.

Sahasrahla on July 10th, 2017 at 03:23 UTC »

Back in 2005 a friend of mine downloaded a Disney movie (Tarzan?) off the campus servers. It opened up with a bunch of monkeys speaking some kind of monkey language but it was pretty easy to understand what was going on from their actions. After 15 minutes of monkey language some humans showed up and they spoke monkey too. That's when we figured out it was dubbed. They weren't speaking monkey they were speaking Dutch.