Good time

Image from and submitted by sum_dude
image showing Good time

savemejebus0 on July 7th, 2017 at 14:30 UTC »

I enjoy this every time it is posted.

SmilingAnus on July 7th, 2017 at 14:55 UTC »

This has got to be over 10-15 years old. Still a goodie.

SkyTheIrishGuy on July 7th, 2017 at 19:09 UTC »

Funny story, in high school someone tagged my friend's phone number on a bench at Good Times like this. A group of drunk girls called the number as a joke, while me and my best friend were with him. So we all took turns on the phone messing with them (they did the same thing, they were at a party at the time). It was basically a stale-mate of people who didn't know each other just bullshitting with each other.

Cut to about 30-45 minutes later and my best friend is still on the phone with them, and we notice he's getting quieter and sneaking off on his own. We kept checking on him being like- "dude, wtf are you doing?"

My best friend got one of their number's and was sweet-talking her. They set up a date, too. I thought he was insane... but of course I had to be a wingman for him on this date (I'm not gonna let my best friend get his kidneys robbed or something). Funnily enough, she had the same idea and brought her friends along in case we were some kidney-stealing weirdos.

Cut to 2017 and they've been married for 2 years and own a house together. Funny how things work out.