♫We didn't start the meme war♫

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Captionater
image showing ♫We didn't start the meme war♫

hgor12 on July 5th, 2017 at 15:11 UTC »

Is blackmail an instrument?

Captionater on July 5th, 2017 at 15:46 UTC »

Because this is getting some attention: I'm on the side with CNN normally. But this is just crazy. Because of some gif they dox a guy and blackmail him? They "reserve the right" to publish his identity if he does it again. Even if some of his posts are racist or antisemitic, CNN can't essentially blackmail his free speech. One guy in a post discussing this said "Imagine Breitbart threatening to release the identity of a r/politics trump bashing commentator." This is scary. I draw the line right there. You can't say doxxing is fine because he's racist. That's not a clear distinction. You either allow it to happen completely or don't let it happen. And I choose to be against doxxing of any kind, especially by a news network with clear intent of black mail and story making on the cost of a guys quality of life. Ffs. Being an asshole doesn't strip you of your rights. That's what makes free countries exactly what they are. Everybody has the same rights and privileges, no matter their faith, views or origin.

Edit: Because of his hate speech, genocide promoting posting background, from a comment I wrote below: Even if he promotes genocide. CNN could have reported his profile to the proper authorities, and it would have been handled fairly and hopefully somewhat anonymously. But in this case CNN is the judge, jury and executioner. And that will not stand. I live in Switzerland. This would be a huge no go here and I believe probably would come with jail time for those responsible at CNN (not sure!). But for the guy as well, because hate speech is hate speech. And that is fine because it was handled by the authorities properly and anonymously. Not by some corporation.

Shits-McNeil on July 5th, 2017 at 16:09 UTC »

What did I miss? Whats going on? Did CNN dox someone?

edit: got answers