GDQ bans DansGaming's danSexy emote for "promoting transphobia"

Image from and submitted by woopmobile
image showing GDQ bans DansGaming's danSexy emote for "promoting transphobia"

Slazeyyy on July 4th, 2017 at 01:03 UTC »

They banned the haHAA emote..

BeardyDuck on July 4th, 2017 at 01:16 UTC »

I think the more important issue to point out is that the person in question is trying to get Twitch to remove the emote altogether.

Might as well remove TriHard, ANELE, and MingLee while we're at it.

edit: Just had a conversation with her about how context matters, double standards, how she felt about people using the aforementioned emotes for racism (Spoilers: She doesn't care because they don't affect her), and whether or not she was offended by BCWarrior as well. She completely misunderstood or willfully ignored everything, and is also reporting BCWarrior to Twitch as well now. Jesus.

MischievousDevil on July 4th, 2017 at 01:27 UTC »

He also has an emote called danTriggered so I think the fucker knows exactly what he's doing

Does this person think Dan is out to get them?