Who actually benefits from a raise in the minimum wage

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by badooga1
image showing Who actually benefits from a raise in the minimum wage

eat_fruit_not_flesh on July 2nd, 2017 at 13:11 UTC »

Even if it was mostly teenagers, that still wouldn't be a problem. Teenage workers do not deserve to be exploited just as older workers do not deserve to be exploited. There's nothing intrinsic to being a teenager that makes them more deserving of being exploited. If anything, they should be paid for going to school.

Hee443TS on July 2nd, 2017 at 15:52 UTC »

As if teenagers making more money is a problem as well. People act like teenagers don't contribute to the economy at all or something.

renew123 on July 2nd, 2017 at 19:21 UTC »

Robots benefit the most from a $15 minimum wage