Individuals vs. corporations

Image from and submitted by the-special-hell
image showing Individuals vs. corporations

shadowguise on June 28th, 2017 at 12:16 UTC »

But then people will boycott the corporation and they'll go out of business, just like Nestle, BP, Coca Cola, etc.


tinspoons on June 28th, 2017 at 12:16 UTC »

And let's not forget how the money imbalance here works also: if you're a rich individual who kills someone, you hire fancy pants attorneys who obfuscate and burden the overburdened, under-funded, TAXPAYER legal system and probably get away with it, or with a laughable sentence in minimum security.

If you're poor, go directly to jail, do not leave jail, you WILL make a plea bargain or risk going to jail for a really long time. Justice is what you can afford.

And it's the same with corps. They have oodles of offshore, untaxed or not taxed enough, ill-gotten warchests to buy attorneys, politicians, lobbyists etc.

The propaganda machine has many screaming 'Murica, but this is what I see.

KingLi88 on June 28th, 2017 at 14:08 UTC »

"Everyone poorer than me just needs bootstraps." - Every tax bracket just blames the more unfortunate below them.